Criminal Justice Fellowship Programme (2015-2019)

Video Gallery

Meeting with Central Prison gaya Superintendent Rajeev Kumar and Visiting Prison Panel Advocate Suman. Meeting with Central Prison gaya Superintendent Rajeev Kumar and Visiting Prison Panel Advocate Suman.
First row left to right - Dr. Punum Kumari(co-coordinator Legal Aid Clinic CUSB Gaya), Dr. Deo Narayan Singh( Legal aid Clinic coordinator CUSB Gaya) and Praveen Kumar First row left to right - Dr. Punum Kumari(co-coordinator Legal Aid Clinic CUSB Gaya), Dr. Deo Narayan Singh( Legal aid Clinic coordinator CUSB Gaya) and Praveen Kumar
Central Prison Gaya with Faculty Members and Law students of Central University of South Bihar Gaya. Central Prison Gaya with Faculty Members and Law students of Central University of South Bihar Gaya.
Cohort II Cohort II
रचना ढाका : गरीब बच्चों के भविष्य को ज्ञान से रोशन कर रहीं हैं | Rajasthan Patrika रचना ढाका : गरीब बच्चों के भविष्य को ज्ञान से रोशन कर रहीं हैं | Rajasthan Patrika
Anima Muyarath : Women trade union in Kerala Anima Muyarath : Women trade union in Kerala
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Video Gallery

Photo Gallery

Chhapparband samaj, Juna Bazaar, Pune
Latur: Wadar, a denotified tribe
Latur: Katari, a denotified tribe
Latur: Denotified tribes and their existence by Prof. Sudhir Aanwale