Tata Institute of Social Sciences
A Deemed to be University and Grant-in Aid Institute under Ministry of Education,GoI

Research, Projects and Initiatives

The School of Social Work at TISS recognises the strong linkage between Understanding and Action. Our research approach is people-centred, interdisciplinary, evidence-based and adheres to methodological rigour, which enables the School to co-create knowledge in the streams of policy advocacy, program planning, implementation and evaluation, and training to diverse stakeholders in social work and development practice. We are proud to have many faculty members and practitioners who are leading scholars in their respective fields of practice, enabling diverse stakeholders and impact groups to find solutions to different social problems.

Our faculty members serve as Principal Investigators on grant-funded research and context-specific action research projects that positively impact the lives of many marginalised and vulnerable groups and communities. These projects also serve as a meaningful interface for social work students and doctoral scholars to advance their learning experience. Most of our projects are learning spaces for our faculty, doctoral scholars and post-graduate students to conduct research and co-create knowledge in partnership with diverse actors at the local, state, and national level. We thus, strive towards forging a culture of nurturing and strengthening diverse types of academic-community partnerships in bringing about meaningful social transformation.

Thematic Focus

Our thematic interests largely cut across various fields of practice, and it is often difficult to compartmentalise these focus areas. However, each of our Centres have shaped their own thematic thrust, to metion a few: Community Development, Social Policy, Criminology and Justice, City Spaces, Peri-Urbanisation, Conflicts, Disability Studies, Children and Families, Social Justice and Governance, Social Exclusion, Caste and Tribes, Sexuality, Gender Studies, Women-centred practice, Livelihoods, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation, Mental Health, Public Health etc. The word-cloud given below gives a bird’s eye-view of the contemporary research projects undertaken by our faculty.

We encourage you to read more on the research interests of our faculty members by visiting the Centre and Faculty profile respectively.

The OSA oversees the election process and adheres to the Lyngdoh committee guidelines. 



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