M.Phil. (JNU),
Ph.D. (JNU)
Member of Drafting Committee of India Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (2020)
Member of Development of Handbook of Textual material, NCERT (2020)
Managing Editor, Contemporary Education Dialogue, SAGE
Member, Think Tank- Teacher Education, Directorate of Teacher Education and SCERT, Odisha, 2018-19.
Expert for thematic consultation on Re-vamping Teacher Education for Quality Teachers of Dept of School Education and Literacy, MHRD, New Delhi, Nov 2015.
Member, IQAC, St. Xaviers Institute of Education, 2015-17.
Member, Joint Review Mission, appointed by MHRD, to examine Teacher Education Institutions in Delhi, 2016.
Member, Committee appointed by National Council of Teacher Education, MHRD to implement three of the recommendations made by Justice Verma Commission on re-vitalizing Teacher Education in India, 2013-14.
Member, Joint Review Mission, appointed by MHRD, to examine Teacher Education Institutions in Andhra Pradesh, 2014.
Member, Joint Review Mission, appointed by MHRD, to examine Teacher Education Institutions in Tripura, 2013.
Expert Advisor on a seven state comparative study on Activity Based Learning funded by UNICEF and conducted by Education Initiatives, Bengaluru (April 2012-15).
Member, core team on a Study of the Implementation of CCE in seven states in India, UNICEF, August 2014-15.
Member, Experts for thematic consultation on New Education Policy on “Revamping Teacher Education for quality teachers”, National Level Conference, Department of school education and Literacy, MHRD, Nov 2015
Member, Executive Committee, Comparative Education Society of India (2013-17)
Member, National Resource Group for Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyaan (2015-17), MHRD
Review Editor, Contemporary Education Dialogues, New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
My research interests lie within the discipline of sociology of education- almost every school-related concern but more specifically, curricular, pedagogic and assessment-related issues, teaching-learning resources, teacher education, analysis of educational policies and programmes etc.
Karnataka school horror: We are blaming the wrong people, The Indian Express, December 19, 2023
Scrapping of DU’s B.El.Ed programme: A grave loss for India’s education system, The Indian Express, May 29, 2023
The problem with ASER survey: Reducing learning to absolute measurables, The Indian Express, January 20, 2023
Disha Nawani and Vivek Kumar write: After Covid, schools must be rebuilt prioritising students’ needs, The Indian Express, June 21, 2022
Learning to not lose faith in humanity, The Indian Express, February 28, 2022
Schools are not immune to prejudices of society, The Indian Express, December 1, 2021
What does the idea of joy in learning mean?, The Indian Express, March 31, 2021
Indian education system must stop chasing ‘learning outcomes’, The Indian Express, March 31, 2021
Decreased allocations for education, reluctance to recognise pandemic fallout will sharpen educational divide, The Indian Express, February 13, 2021
Aishwarya Reddy’s death points finger at an education system that turns a blind eye to inequality, The Indian Express, December 1, 2020
Conformity and inequality are wired into our education system, The Indian Express, October 29, 2020
CNN – Opinion
Celebrating the Doers: Not Cushy Jobs, They Chased the Learning Gap Problem in Rural India
CNN, May 23, 2022,
Are Board Exams Best Judge of Student’s Ability? Time to Bust Some Deep-seated Myths
CNN, May 05, 2022,
Board Exams Can be a Nightmare For You but They are Not Going Anywhere Soon
CNN, March 01, 2022
In COVID Times, Why It is Dangerous to Mistake Information for Education
CNN, February 07, 2022
Indian Schools Can’t Ignore Ugliness in Society, Must Prepare Kids to Deal with Conflict
CNN, September 02, 2021,
Any Selection Exam is Discriminatory, Common Entrance Test for Colleges Will be No Different
CNN, July 14, 2021,
No Tech Utopia: A Blended Learning System Must Recognise Real-world Challenges, CNN, June 22, 2021,
Fair, Neutral, Objective Indicator of Student’s Merit—Do Board Exams Meet Any of These Parameters?, CNN, Curated By: Disha Nawani June 3, 2021
Opinion: On India's Anti-Cheating Bill - Punishment Won't Do, The Rot Runs Deeper Disha Nawani, Friday February 09, 2024
[CETEI Podcasts] | NEP 2020 #1 | Drop Outs : Prof Disha Nawani, Dean, School of Education, TISS
Disha Nawani, Plummeting school test scores: Understanding the bigger problems beyond COVID-19 lockdowns | Data Point podcast, July 14, 2022
Opinion | Why one should be charitable towards National Education Policy
Mint, 23 Aug 2020
Nawani, D., and Sanyal S. (2022) – Private Initiative in School Reform in India
The Oxford Encyclopedia in School Reform edited by Pink, W. Oxford University Press, Volume 1
Nawani, D. (2022) – Editor India, The Oxford Encyclopedia in School Reform edited by Pink, W. The Oxford University Press, Volume 1
Nawani, D. and Goswami, R.. (2022) – The Assessment of School Learning in South Asia, in The Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia edited by Sarangapani P. & Pappu R (EIC), Springer Nature, Singapore. Volume 1
Nawani, D. and Durrani N. (2022) – Knowledge and Curriculum, The Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia edited by Sarangapani P. & Pappu R (EIC), Springer Nature, Singapore. Volume 1
Nawani, D. and Durrani N. (2022) – Knowledge and Curriculum Landscape in South Asia The Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia edited by Sarangapani P. & Pappu R (EIC), Springer Nature, Singapore. Volume 1
Nawani, D. (2022) – “Examining Education as a Field of Inquiry and a Normative Experience” in Education, Teaching and Learning : Discourses, Cultures, Conversation, edited by P. Sarangpani, Azra R. and Manish J., Orient BlackSwan
Nawani, D (2020). NEP 2020 fails those trapped in vicious cycles of disadvantage, The Indian Express, 25th Sept. https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/national-education-policy-2020-nep-6609564/
Nawani, D (2020) Why should one be charitable towards NEP, Livemint, 23 August. https://www.livemint.com/opinion/online-views/opinion-why-one-should-be-charitable-towards-national-education-policy-11598166496909.html
Nawani, D (2020). NEP 2020 comes short of providing an enabling milieu for teachers, 19th august. https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/new-policy-old-mindset-6560315/
Durrani N., Nawani D. (2020) Section Editors, Knowledge and Curriculum. In: Sarangapani P., Pappu R. (eds) Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Springer, Singapore.
Durrani N., Nawani D. (2020) Knowledge and Curriculum Landscapes in South Asia. In: Sarangapani P., Pappu R. (eds) Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Springer, Singapore. http://link-springer-com-443.webvpn.fjmu.edu.cn/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-981-13-3309-5_53-1
Nawani, D., Goswami R (2020) Assessment of student learning in South Asia: Concerns and challenges. In: Sarangapani P., Pappu R. (eds) Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Springer, Singapore. http://link-springer-com-443.webvpn.fjmu.edu.cn/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-13-3309-5_47-1
Nawani, D (2020). Impasse caused by pandemic offers room to rethink board exams, find alternatives, The Indian Express, 5th May. https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/board-exams-coronavirus-pandemic-students-education-6393932/
Nawani, D (2020). To give or not to give the pending Board Exams: Why CISCE's offer reflects insensitivity. The New Leam, 21st June.https://www.thenewleam.com/2020/06/to-give-or-not-to-give-the-pending-board-examswhy-cisces-offer-reflects-insensitivity/
Nawani, D (2019), Bin bhaye hoye na preet: resilience of the fear-based examination-detention policy in the Indian education system in. Raina, J. Elementary Education in India: Policy shifts, issues and challenges, Routledge South Asian Edition: New Delhi
Nawani, D (2018) Modifying school textbooks: Disregarding children's experiences, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol LIII No 29, pp 12-15.https://www.epw.in/journal/2018/29/commentary/modifying-school-textbooks.html
Nawani, D (2018) Social reform through curricular design: Inclusion or Exclusion? In Brahme, M, Sureshbabu, M, Muller, T (eds) Inclusive education in India: Concepts, Methods and Practice. Mosaic Books: New Delhi.
Nawani, D (2018), “Examination for elimination: Celebrating fear and penalizing failure”, Handbook of Education in India: Debates, Policies and Practices, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group: London and New york
Nawani, D (2018). Is there a learning crisis in schools? Seminar.706, pp.50-54.
Nawani, D (2018). CBSE leaks: To really reform India’s education system, we need to think beyond board exams. Scroll.In. May 31. https://amp.scroll.in/article/874006/cbse-leaks-to-really-reform-indias-education-system-we-need-to-think-beyond-board-exams.
Nawani, D (2018). 'Assessing ASER 2017”, Economic & Political Weekly, Volume 53, Issue No. 8, pp. 14-17. https://www.epw.in/journal/2018/8/commentary/assessing-aser-2017.html
Nawani, D (2017). Shiksha ka adhikaar: Kya hum sahi raastey par hai, Shiksha Vimarsh, Year 19, No.6, pp.19-26. http://www.digantar.org/uploads/shiksha-vimarsh/articles/2017_11_04.pdf
Nawani, D (2017). “Vidyalayi Pustakein: Utkrishtta se betukepan kee aur”, Shiksha Vimarsh, Year 19, Number 3, pp. 37-43. http://www.digantar.org/uploads/shiksha-vimarsh/articles/2017_03_06.pdf
Nawani, D (2017), “Textbooks: Hear our voice”, Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators, Volume V, Issue II, pp.20-25. https://ncert.nic.in/pdf/publication/journalsandperiodicals/vtte/vtte_aug_2017.pdf
Nawani, D (2017). Right to Education: Are we on the right track?, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. LII, No. 31, 21-25. https://www.epw.in/journal/2017/31/commentary/right-education.html
Nawani, D (2017). School Textbooks: From Sublime to the Ridiculous, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 52, No. 9, 16-19. https://www.epw.in/journal/2017/9/commentary/school-textbooks.html
https://scroll.in/article/832985/the-development-of-school-textbooks-is-serious-business-and-must-be-monitored-rigorously (republished..Apri1 5, 2017)
Nawani, D (2016). Sakaratmak Shiksha Niti ke Chintajanak Pahalu (Hindi), Shiksha Vimarsh, Year 18, No.5, 13-19. http://www.digantar.org/uploads/shiksha-vimarsh/articles/2016_09_03.pdf
Nawani, D (2016). School Education: Policy strengths and concerns, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. LI, No.35, 43-7. https://www.epw.in/journal/2016/35/draft-policy-education-2016/school-education.html
Nawani, D (ed)(2016), Teaching-Learning Resources for School Education, New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
Nawani, D (2016), Quality Education in Contemporary India, Yojana, June, 2016, pp. 26-8.
Nawani, D (2015), Learn without fear of failure, Hindustan Times, March 30, 2015. https://www.hindustantimes.com/ht-view/learn-without-fear-of-failure-and-the-mere-urge-to-pass-exams/story-OapnsckEHhAB83HgK6ydpJ.html
Nawani, D (2015), Schoolon mein aanklan pe punarchintan (Hindi) in. Shiksha Vimarsh, year 17, No 3, May-June, pp. 25-35. http://www.digantar.org/uploads/shiksha-vimarsh/articles/2015_05_04.pdf
Nawani, D (2015). Are private schools better?, Economy& Industry- A Confederation of Indian Industry Initiative, February- March 2015, Volume 3, Issue 5.
Nawani, D (2015). Re-thinking Assessments in Schools, Economic & Political Weekly, Jan 17, Vol L, No. 3, 37-41. https://www.epw.in/journal/2015/3/perspectives/rethinking-assessments-schools.html
Nawani, D. (2014). Learning beyond textbooks, The Hindu, 5th Dec 2014. https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/cce-learning-beyond-textbooks/article6655765.ece
Nawani, D (2014). The Elusive Nature of Educational Incentives, Economic & Political Weekly, Sept 13, Vol XLIX, No. 37, 71-78. https://www.epw.in/journal/2014/37/special-articles/elusive-nature-educational-incentives.html
Nawani, D. (2014), Caste among schoolchildren, Economic & Political Weekly, Sept 6, Vol XLIX, No. 36, 67-69. https://www.epw.in/journal/2014/36/discussion/caste-among-schoolchildren.html
Nawani, D (2014), North-east Indians and others: Discrimination, Prejudice and Textbooks, Economic & Political Weekly, June 14, Vol XLIX, No. 24, 19-21. https://www.epw.in/journal/2014/24/commentary/north-east-indians-and-others.html
Nawani, D. (2014) Ek baatcheet Krishna Kumar Ke Saath (Hindi), Shaikshnik Sandarbh, 90 (33), 27-42.
Nawani, D. (2014), Preparing Teachers and Teacher Educators in India: Justice Verma Commission and Beyond, Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators, 2(3), 39-44.
Nawani, D (2013), Corporal Punishment in Schools, Economic & Political Weekly, June 15, Vol XLVIII No. 24, 23-26. https://www.epw.in/journal/2013/24/commentary/corporal-punishment-schools.html
Nawani, D (2013), Reflections on Annual Status of Educational Research 2012, Economic & Political Weekly, March 23, Vol. XLVIII, No. 12, pp. 19-22. https://www.epw.in/journal/2013/12/commentary/reflections-annual-status-educational-research-2012.html
Nawani, D (2013), Continuously and comprehensively evaluating children, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. XLVIII, Jan 12, 2013, 33-40. https://www.epw.in/journal/2013/02/perspectives/continuously-and-comprehensively-evaluating-children.html
Nawani, D (2013), Inclusion, Equity and Elementary Education, Yojana, pp. 31-34.
Nawani, D & Joshi, K. C. (2012), TLM: Zaroorat ya vivashta, Shaikshnik Sandarbh, Year 5, No. 25, July-October, 59-73.
Nawani, D (2012), What is learning and where is it happening, Economic and Political Weekly, Aug 11, Vol. XLVII, No. 32, 94-96. https://www.epw.in/journal/2012/32/discussion/what-learning-and-where-it-happening.html
Nawani, D, Jain, M, (2010). Learners and Learning in India: History, Perspectives and Contexts, in Yong Zhou (Eds.) Handbook of Asian Education: A Cultural Perspective (503-528) New York: Routledge.
Nawani, D (2010). School Textbooks: Understanding Frameworks for Analysis, Contemporary Education Dialogue, Volume 7:2, 157-192. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0973184913411209
Batra. P, Nawani, D (2010). Social Science Texts: A pedagogic perspective in P. Batra (Eds) Social Science Teaching in Schools: Challenges and Perspectives (197-262). New Delhi: Sage Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Karnataka school horror: We are blaming the wrong people, The Indian Express, December 19, 2023
Scrapping of DU’s B.El.Ed programme: A grave loss for India’s education system, The Indian Express, May 29, 2023
The problem with ASER survey: Reducing learning to absolute measurables, The Indian Express, January 20, 2023
Disha Nawani and Vivek Kumar write: After Covid, schools must be rebuilt prioritising students’ needs, The Indian Express, June 21, 2022
Learning to not lose faith in humanity, The Indian Express, February 28, 2022
Schools are not immune to prejudices of society, The Indian Express, December 1, 2021
What does the idea of joy in learning mean?, The Indian Express, March 31, 2021
Indian education system must stop chasing ‘learning outcomes’, The Indian Express, March 31, 2021
Decreased allocations for education, reluctance to recognise pandemic fallout will sharpen educational divide, The Indian Express, February 13, 2021
Aishwarya Reddy’s death points finger at an education system that turns a blind eye to inequality, The Indian Express, December 1, 2020
Conformity and inequality are wired into our education system, The Indian Express, October 29, 2020
CNN – Opinion
Celebrating the Doers: Not Cushy Jobs, They Chased the Learning Gap Problem in Rural India
CNN, May 23, 2022,
Are Board Exams Best Judge of Student’s Ability? Time to Bust Some Deep-seated Myths
CNN, May 05, 2022,
Board Exams Can be a Nightmare For You but They are Not Going Anywhere Soon
CNN, March 01, 2022
In COVID Times, Why It is Dangerous to Mistake Information for Education
CNN, February 07, 2022
Indian Schools Can’t Ignore Ugliness in Society, Must Prepare Kids to Deal with Conflict
CNN, September 02, 2021,
Any Selection Exam is Discriminatory, Common Entrance Test for Colleges Will be No Different
CNN, July 14, 2021,
No Tech Utopia: A Blended Learning System Must Recognise Real-world Challenges, CNN, June 22, 2021,
Fair, Neutral, Objective Indicator of Student’s Merit—Do Board Exams Meet Any of These Parameters?, CNN, Curated By: Disha Nawani June 3, 2021
Opinion: On India's Anti-Cheating Bill - Punishment Won't Do, The Rot Runs Deeper Disha Nawani, Friday February 09, 2024
[CETEI Podcasts] | NEP 2020 #1 | Drop Outs : Prof Disha Nawani, Dean, School of Education, TISS
Disha Nawani, Plummeting school test scores: Understanding the bigger problems beyond COVID-19 lockdowns | Data Point podcast, July 14, 2022
Opinion | Why one should be charitable towards National Education Policy
Mint, 23 Aug 2020
Nawani, D., and Sanyal S. (2022) – Private Initiative in School Reform in India
The Oxford Encyclopedia in School Reform edited by Pink, W. Oxford University Press, Volume 1
Nawani, D. (2022) – Editor India, The Oxford Encyclopedia in School Reform edited by Pink, W. The Oxford University Press, Volume 1
Nawani, D. and Goswami, R.. (2022) – The Assessment of School Learning in South Asia, in The Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia edited by Sarangapani P. & Pappu R (EIC), Springer Nature, Singapore. Volume 1
Nawani, D. and Durrani N. (2022) – Knowledge and Curriculum, The Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia edited by Sarangapani P. & Pappu R (EIC), Springer Nature, Singapore. Volume 1
Nawani, D. and Durrani N. (2022) – Knowledge and Curriculum Landscape in South Asia The Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia edited by Sarangapani P. & Pappu R (EIC), Springer Nature, Singapore. Volume 1
Nawani, D. (2022) – “Examining Education as a Field of Inquiry and a Normative Experience” in Education, Teaching and Learning : Discourses, Cultures, Conversation, edited by P. Sarangpani, Azra R. and Manish J., Orient BlackSwan
1. https://www.outlookindia.com/national/what-drives-students-to-die-by-suicide-what-to-do-about-it--news-271867 -What Drives Students To Die By Suicide, What To Do About It?, march 21, 2023. OUTLOOK
2. https://www.ndtv.com/opinion/on-indias-anti-cheating-bill-punishment-wont-do-the-rot-runs-deeper-5024517- Opinion: On India's Anti-Cheating Bill - Punishment Won't Do, The Rot Runs Deeper, February 09, 2024 3:19 pm IST, NDTV
3. https://scroll.in/article/874006/cbse-leaks-to-really-reform-indias-education-system-we-need-to-think-beyond-board-exams, CBSE leaks: To really reform India’s education system, we need to think beyond board exams,Mar 31, 2018 · 06:09 pm, scroll.in
4. https://scroll.in/article/832985/the-development-of-school-textbooks-is-serious-business-and-must-be-monitored-rigorously, The development of school textbooks is serious business and must be monitored rigorously, Apr 05, 2017 · 08:30 pm, scroll.in
5. Nawani, D,(2022),Editorial, Contemporary Education Dialogue https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09731849211069184, SAGE
6. Nawani, D (2022), Editorial, Contemporary Education Dialogue. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0973184920934994, SAGE
7. Nawani, D (2023) In Search of a Better World: Beyond the Binaries of Action and Reflection in contemporary education dialogue https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09731849231153470, SAGE
Research Project - Tribal Development Department of Maharashtra – A Study on Ashram Shala in Nasik & Thane, District of Maharashtra (2023-2024)
Research Project “Implementation of 12(1)(c) of the Right to Education Act, 2009” (TN RTE) - funded by Samagra Shiksha, Department of School Education, Tamil Nadu (2023)
Co-coordinated a 3-year Action Research Project on, "Research, Policy, Advocacy and Evaluation: Teacher Development and Resource Centres in Karnataka", supported by NRTT , Aug 2010-July 13.
Led a Research study on, "Evaluation of Educational Incentives for Minority Communities in Maharashtra", funded by State Minority Commission, Maharashtra, Jan 2012- June 2013.
The courses I teach reflect my research interests. I teach courses in programmes of education - Curriculum and School, and Materials Design and Development in MAEE , Education and Development in MA DS, Social Marginality and Education in MA Ed and Assessment in Education in M.Phil in education.