M.A. (Berhampur),
M.Phil. (Hyderabad Central University),
Ph.D. (ISEC, Bangalore)
Phone Number-022-25525375, 5377
Geetanjoy Sahu is a Professor at the Centre for Climate Change & Sustainability Studies, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. His research and teaching interests include environmental jurisprudence, environmental regulation and policy, land and forest rights, the political economy of public policy implementation, and environmental movements.
He was a Post-Doctoral Associate at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development (CISED), Bengaluru. He holds PhD in Political Science from the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru and MPhil from the Hyderabad Central University (HCU), Hyderabad. In 2010, he was selected for the Erasmus Mundus (EMEA) Scholarship from European Union. As a Visiting Fellow, he was associated with the Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Department, ITC, the Netherlands. He was awarded the Justice E S Venkataramaiah Memorial Prize for his best PhD Thesis in Public Administration from 2005-2009 at the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore, 2010. In 2007, he was awarded SARAi Fellowship from the Centre for the Study of Developing Society (CSDS), New Delhi as a young PhD student to work on Urban Environmental issues. He received the best research paper presentation award at the Indian Environmental Congress, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, in 2004. His PhD research work was supported by the Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, from 2003-2006. He qualified National Educational Test (NET) for a lectureship in Political Science in 2003.
He served as a member of various government committees in different capacities. He was one of the members of the Chhattisgarh Government's task force on evaluating the forest rights act in 2021. He was a member of the Environmental Sub-Group of the Kerala State Planning Commission in Preparing the Draft Paper for the 13th Planning Commission, Government of Kerala, in 2016. Also, served as the Chairperson of the Forest Rights Act Implementation Sub-Group of the Kerala Planning Commission in Preparing the Draft Paper for the 14th Planning Commission, Government of Kerala, in 2021. He was one of the members of the task force of the Chhattisgarh Government to draft the recommendation for the effective implementation of the Forest Rights Act in 2021. He was part of the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India, New Delhi Committee, to discuss the notification requirement to make the accreditation system for environmental consultants in India mandatory in 2016. and also a member of the Department of Planning and Development, Government of Odisha, Committee to discuss planning activities for the State of Odisha (2013-2014). He has been closely associated with South Asia's forest rights and environmental justice networks.
Environmental Policy and Governance
Environmental Jurisprudence and National Green Tribunal
Land and Forest Rights
Village Studies: MNREGA, Village Commons, Rural Development and Livelihood
Public Policy and Institutions
Social Movements and Litigation
Publication Details
A. Book
Geetanjoy Sahu (2014), Environmental Jurisprudence and the Supreme Court: Litigation, Interpretation and Implementation, Orient BlackSwan Publication Ltd., New Delhi
B. Refereed Journal Articles
Geetanjoy Sahu and Aaishwarya Jadhav (2024), Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: Lessons from Odisha, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 59, Issue No.1, 6th Jan, 2024
Geetanjoy Sahu (2023), Deregulation of Kendu Leaf in Kalahandi District, Odisha: Recent Advances and Challenges, Indian Journal of Social Work, July-October, Vol. 84, No. 3.
Sharachchandra Lele, Daniela Del Bene, Duygu Avcı, Tatiana Roa-Avendaño, Brototi Roy, Geetanjoy Sahu,Maureen Harris and Deborah Moore (2023), Values and knowledge in decision-making on environmentally disruptive infrastructure projects: insights from large dams and mines, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume No-64:101346
Sanjay Parikh and Geetanjoy Sahu (2023), Has the Judiciary Abandoned Environment for Neoliberalism? Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 58, Issue No. 13, 01 Apr, 2023
Geetanjoy Sahu (2023), FCR 2022: An Attempt to Subvert the Power of Gram Sabhas, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 58, Issue No. 2, 14 Jan, 2023
Vandana Dhoop and Geetanjoy Sahu (2023), Forest Tenure Rights in Global South: Experiences from India and Indonesia, January 2023 edition of the LAWASIA
Geetanjoy Sahu (2022), Recognition of Development Rights under the FRA, 2006, Economic & Political Weekly. 19th November, Vol. 57, Issue.47
Geetanjoy Sahu and Ritwick Dutta (2021), The Green Tribunal in India After Ten Years: From Ascendancy to Crisis, Economic & Political Weekly. 25th December, Vol. LVI, No.52
Geetanjoy Sahu and Sharachchandra Lele (2021), Environmental Regulation and Governance, Economic & Political Weekly. 25th December, Vol. LVI, No.52
Ashwarya R.S. Chauhan and Geetanjoy Sahu (2021), Revisiting Environmental Impact Assessment Laws in India vis-a- vis Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Notification 2020, Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol-82, No-3, July-September.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2020), The Genesis, Process and Implications of the Forest Rights Act, 2006, Review of Agrarian Studies, Volume-10, Number-2, July-December.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2020), Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Rights) Act 2006 in Jharkhand: Problems and Challenges, Journal of Land and Rural Studies, Sage Publication.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2020), Implementation of Community Forest Rights: Experiences from Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra, Economic & Political Weekly, Month-2nd May, Volume-LV, No-18
Divya Gupta, Sharachchandra Lele & Geetanjoy Sahu (2020), Promoting a responsive state: The role of NGOs in decentralized forest governance in India, Forest Policy & Economics, Available at this link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1aOnu4y2D1SJMm
Geetanjoy Sahu, Mrinalini Paul & Vijay Dethe (2019), Socioeconomic Benefits of Community Forest Rights: A Case Study of Pachgaon in Chandrapur Districts of Maharashtra, Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol-80, Issue-4, October
Isha Naaz & Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), Revisiting Governance of Van Panchayats: Experiences from Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol-80, Issue-4, October
Uttam Kumar Sahoo & Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), Twelve Years Later: Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol-80, Issue-4, October
Geetanjoy Sahu (2017), Remembering Justice P N Bhagwati, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol.52, Issue no- 30, 29th July.
Geetanjoy Sahu, Tushar Dash & Sanghamitra Dubey (2017), Political Economy of Community Forest Rights, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol.53, Issue no- 25-26, 24th June.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2016), Impact of the National Green Tribunal on Environmental Governance in India: An Analysis of Methods and Perspectives, Journal of Environmental Law, Policy and Development, Issue-3, March, pp-28-56
Geetanjoy Sahu (2014), Workers of Alang-Sosiya: A Survey of Working Conditions in a Ship-Breaking Yard, 1983-2013, Economic & Political Weekly, December 13, vol xlIX , no 50, pp 52-59
Armin Rosencraz & Geetanjoy Sahu (2014), Assessing the National Green Tribunal after Four Years, Journal of Indian Law and Society, Vol. 5 : Monsoon, pp: 191-200
Ratoola Kundu & Geetanjoy Sahu (2014), Selective Inclusions and Exclusions Land-Use Planning and Development in Ratnagiri, Economic & Political Weekly, November, 29, vol xlix no 48, pp 69-76
Geetanjoy Sahu (2014), Why the Underdogs Came Out Ahead An Analysis of the Supreme Court’s Environmental Judgments, 1980-2010, Economic & Political Weekly, 25th January, vol xlix, No.4
Geetanjoy Sahu (2011), The Implementation of Environmental Judgments, India Law News, American Bar Association of International Law, Vol.2, Issue 4, Fall 2011
Geetanjoy Sahu & Michelle Chawla (2011), Environmental Movement in Dahanu, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol - XLVI No. 49, December 03
Colin Gonsalves & Geetanjoy Sahu (2011), Litigating Against Corporations for Human Rights”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 46 No. 14 April 02 - April 08
Geetanjoy Sahu (2010), Implementation of Environmental Judgments in Context: A Comparative Analysis of Dahanu Thermal Power Plant Pollution Case in Maharashtra and Vellore Leather Industrial Pollution Case in Tamil Nadu, Law, Environment and Development (LEAD), International Environmental Legal Research Centre, London, December.
Geetanjoy Sahu & Armin Rosencranz (2009), Court Appointed Monitoring Committees: The Case Study of Dahanu Taluka Environmental Protection Authority, Law, Environment and Development (LEAD), International Environmental Legal Research Centre, London, No. 5/2, December.
Armin Rosencranz & Geetanjoy Sahu (2009), National Green Tribunal Bill, 2009: Suggestions for Improvement, Economic and Political Weekly, November 30-07 December.
Armin Rosencranz, Geetanjoy Sahu & Vyom Raghuvanshi (2009),Whither the National Environmental Appellate Authority! Economic and Political Weekly, August 29-03 September.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2008), Public Interest Environmental Litigations in India: Contributions and Complications, Indian Journal of Political Science, October-December.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2008), Green Courts in India, Journal of National Law University, Lucknow, Vol.1, October.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2008), Implications of Indian Supreme Court’s Innovations for Environmental Jurisprudence, Law, Environment and Development (LEAD), International Environmental Legal Research Centre, London, Vol.4, No. 1.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2008), Mining in Niyamgiri Hills and Tribal Rights, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLIII, No. 15, April 12-18.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2006), Environmental Governance in India, ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law, July-Sept
K S Narayanan & Geetanjoy Sahu (2004), Electoral Reforms towards Strengthening the Democratic Process in India, Journal of Administrative Process, Volume XXXI, No.2, July-December.
C. Chapters in Edited Volume
Geetanjoy Sahu (2022), The Forest Land Rights of Tribals: India's Experience with special reference to Maharashtra" in R Ramakumar "Distress in the Fields: Indian Agriculture After Economic Liberalisation", Tulika Publication Ltd. India
Geetanjoy Sahu (2020), Environment Movement and the Indian Judiciary, in Manisha Rao et.al 'Reframing the Environment: Resources, Risk and Resistance in Neoliberal India, Routledge India
Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), Mining, Forest Rights and Tribals: Beyond The Vedanta Case, in Philippe Cullet et.al Handbook on Environment, Law and Poverty, UK: Edward Elgar.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2018), Rethinking Environmental Regulation in India in Madhushree Sekher, S Parasuraman & Ruth Kattumuri (eds.) Governance and Governed: Multi-Country Perspectives on State, Society and Development, Springer Singapore
Sharachchandra Lele & Geetanjoy Sahu (2017) Environmental Governance in Future India: Principles, Structures and Pathways in Ashish Kothari and K J Joy (eds.) India Future, Authors UpFront, New Delhi
Geetanjoy Sahu (2012), Judicialisation of Environmental Governance and its Implications, in Jayanta Bandyopadhyay, Kanchan Chopra and Nilanjan Ghosh (eds.) Environmental Governance: Approaches, Imperatives and Methods, New Delhi: Bloomsbury Publisher
Madhushree Sekhar and Geetanjoy Sahu (2011), Community Based Environmental Governance and Local Justice, in Global Civil Society Yearbook, 2010-2011, UK: Palgrave Publication Limited.
D. Newspaper and Popular Journal Articles
Vishnukant Govindwad and Geetanjoy Sahu (2023), How A Family Of 5 Got Legal Rights Over 144 Hectares Of Forest & Why That Matters For 250 Million Indians, 6th October, Article-14
Soma Sarkar and Geetanjoy Sahu (2022), How Shimla’s Water Crisis Flows Along Spatial and Economic Lines, 29th September, The Wire.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2022), The Case of Ramdas Janardan Koli, or How an Underdog Successfully Won an Environmental Case, 13th July, The Wire
Lekshmi M, Anup Kumar Samal and Geetanjoy Sahu (2021), 15 Years of FRA: What Trends in Forest Rights Claims and Recognition Tells Us, 22nd December, The Wire.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2021), Expedite climate action, focus on protected areas: What Bhupendra Yadav should map out, Down To Earth, 16th July
Geetanjoy Sahu (2021), Why States Should Emulate Maharashtra on Kendu Leaf Deregulation, The Wire, 8th July
Sara Costa and Geetanjoy Sahu (2020), The Ship Recycling Industry Must Move Towards a Sustainable Future, 3rd August, The Wire
Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), Aarey Protest: The Life of A Forest, India Today Magazine, 21st October
Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), Whither The National Green Tribunal, Down To Earth, 23rd September
Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), Forest Rights Act: A Litmus Test For Government to Protect Forest Dwellers, Down To Earth, 25th July
Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), 10 interventions government must make to protect forest rights, Down To Earth, 3rd June
Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), 'Progressive' Maharashtra governor must step in to save tribal land, rights, Down To Earth, 29th April
Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), Wildlife and Forest Rights Groups Have Shared Interests. Why Don't They Work Together?, The Wire, 24th January
Paul Fernandes, Bikash Kumar Sahoo and Geetanjoy Sahu (2018), Has Farmers' March Impacted the Implementation of Forest Rights Act in Maharashtra? The Wire, 22nd October
Isha Naaz & Geetanjoy Sahu (2018), The Panchayats Meant to Protect Uttarakhand's Forests Are Under Threat, The Wire, 19th July
Geetanjoy Sahu (2018), Minor Forest Produce, Major Returns, Indian Express, 11th June
Geetanjoy Sahu & Asavari Raj Sharma (2018), India Has Recognised Forest Rights but Intervention Is Still Necessary, The Wire, 1st May.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2018), A Path Through The Forest, The Indian Express, 19th March
Geetanjoy Sahu (2018), Ecocide by Design? Under Modi, Vacancies At National Green Tribunal Reach 70%, The Wire, 17th February
Samriddhi and Geetanjoy Sahu (2018) Off the mark: National Crime Records Bureau data gives a misleading picture of environmental crime, Scroll.in, 2nd January
Geetanjoy Sahu (2014), Thirty Years After Bhopal Gas Tragedy: Environmental Injustice Continues, The Statesman, 4th December
Armin Rosencranz, Ayesha Khan & Geetanjoy Sahu (2011), How effective are Environmental PILs? Down To Earth, November 15.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2004), Institutional Transformation in India: With Special Reference to Changing Role of Judiciary, Young Indian, August 21-27, 2004.
Geetanjoy Sahu (2004), Relevance of Judicial Activism in India, Young Indian, March 6-12.
E. Book Review
Geetanjoy Sahu (2015), The Coal Nation: Histories, Ecologies and Politics of Coal in India edited by Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014; pp 348, Economic & Political Weekly, February 21, vol l no 8, pp 29-31
F. Working/Discussion Paper & Project Reports
Geetanjoy Sahu, Paul Sylvester Fernandes, Anuja Anil Date, Jay Dongare, Hemant Patange (2019), Compendium of Orders, Circulars, Resolutions and Notifications of Maharashtra Government in the Post-Forest Rights Act Enactment Phase From 2008-2018, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai
Uttam K Sahoo & Geetanjoy Sahu (2019), Trends and Directions in the Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 After Twelve Years, Centre for Science, Technology & Society, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai
Geetanjoy Sahu, Aindrila Ganguly and Abhilash Toppo (2018), Promise and Performace: Status of FRA in Jharkhand, Centre for Science, Technology & Society, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai
Geetanjoy Sahu & Prerna Chaurashe (2016), Community Forest Resource Management Plans in Gondia District of Maharashtra: An Analysis of Process and Impact, Centre for Science, Technology & Society, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai
Geetanjoy Sahu (2013), Environmental Regulatory Authorities in India: An Assessment of State Pollution Control Boards, Centre for Science, Technology & Society, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Geetanjoy Sahu (2014), Assessment of Working and Living Conditions of Workers in Hazardous Industries- A Study of Alang-Sosiya Ship Breaking Industries, Gujarat, Supported by the National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi
Land Conflicts in India: An Interim Analysis (2016), Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and Rights and Resource Initiative (RRI), Washington, (Co-authored)
Geetanjoy Sahu (2007), People’s Participation in Environmental Protection, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Working Paper Series, No. 180, 2007
G. Book Proposal Submitted
The National Green Tribunal: Nature, Process and Impact of Environmental Judgments, (Book Synopsis Accepted by Orient BlackSwan Private Ltd.), Manuscript Submission is due in June 2024.
(1) Analysis of Interface of Land and Forest Laws in Odisha and Maharashtra (Since January 2020-continuing)
(2) Enhancing Green Economy in Asia-EGEA Project in three Asian Countries (Since January 2019-continuing)
(3) Community Forest Resource Management and Governance in Jharkhand (Since September 2017-continuing)
(4) Forest Rights Act Implementation and Its Implications on Livelihood and Sustainability of Forest: Experiences from Odisha, Jharkhand and Maharashtra (Since September 2016-Continuing)
(5) Governance Challenges for the Implementation of Workers’ Rights in Hazardous Industries: A Study of Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat ( April 2013-December 2014)
(6) Environmental Regulatory Authorities in India: A Study of State Pollution Control Boards (April 2012-March 2013)
(7) Land Use Pattern in Coastal Areas: A Study of Ratnagiri Town in Maharashtra under the Urban India Research Facility Project on Small and Medium Towns in India (September 2011-September 2013)
(8) Environmental Justice through Court Appointed Committees, (2009) in collaboration with The Access Initiative (TAI) Partner, New Delhi
(9) Impact of Environmental Judgments at the Implementation Level, at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development (CISED), Bangalore (project completed in June 2009), funded by the Ford Foundation, New Delhi
(10) Laying the Foundation for Urban India Reforms Facility (UIRF), at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai (July 2009-September 2011)
(11) Database on Environmental Litigation in India (2008-2009) for the Centre for Development Finance (CDF), Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR), Chennai
Introduction to Public Policy: Theory and Practice
Foundation Course- Idea of India
Natural Resource Governance in India
Environmental Laws (Forest, WPA, CRZ, EIA) and Regulatory Authorities
Global Environmental and Climate Governance
Environmental Impact Assessment