Leadership and management of education and research, University of Southern Denmark
Ph.D. in Public Administration, Roskilde University, Denmark
MA, Sociology, Copenhagen University, Denmark
Throughout his career, Professor Hulgård has worked on social change and social innovation. During the first part of his career, this interest was informed by Max Weber’s sociology of religion and sociology of organization. Today, he collaborates with international scholars to understand better, how social innovation, solidarity economy and epistemologies of the South can inspire social change in the North. In the later years particularly in rural areas. In 1993-94, he was the President of the Danish Sociological Association and in 1998 Professor Hulgård was a co-founder of the EMES International Research Network, a collaboration of 14 international research institutions within the field of social and solidarity economy, social enterprise and social innovation. He was the President of EMES between 2010 and 2016. EMES has led research projects funded by the European Union for more than 20 years. We assist governments and organizations (OECD, UNDP and the EU-Commission) with research. EMES books, including contributions from Professor Hulgård, are published in nine languages including Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese. In 2005 he founded the Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Roskilde University.
In 2022 he was made knight of the order of Dannebrog by Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark.
He has supervised 14 PhD students in Denmark, Norway and India and 2 postdocs since 2008, and served on review committees for full professorships in England, Scotland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Author of seven monographies and edited volumes as well as numerous articles and research reports.
2007 – Full professor, Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University
2020 – 22 Professor (20%) Malmö University, Sweden
2018 – 19 Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economics, Coimbra University, Portugal
2015 – 17 Professor II, University of Southeast Norway
2011 – Permanent Visiting Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India
HEAD OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (few examples of big projects, more than 150.000€)
2023 – 26 Danish partner in the Horizon-CL6-2022 project: TRANS-Lighthouses – Lighthouses of transformative nature-based solutions for inclusive communities. Total budget, 5,999 mio €. RUC budget, 585.978,- €. Project begins 01.05.2023 and is coordinated by the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
2017 -21 Danish partner, international steering committee member, COST Action project, Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars
2017-19 Danish partner, Mapping of Social Enterprise in Europe project (funded by the EU-Commission). Supervising Nordic and Baltic researchers involved in the project
2016 – 20 Danish partner, RURACTION project (Social Entrepreneurship in Structurally Weak Rural Regions: Analyzing Innovative Troubleshooters in Action) EU: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016
2015 - 18 Danish partner, SOLIDUS project, Horizon 2020
2011 – 14 Research grant from the Danish Parliament to Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, 9 mio DKK
2006 - Founder of and professor at Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Roskilde University, funded by the Danish Parliament with 11 mio DKK
2004 - 06 Founder, applicant and international coordinator, CINEFOGO-Network of Excellence funded by EU, FP6 with 4 mio €
Small and medium sized projects (40.000 - 120.000 €)
2021- 22 Grant from the Danish Business Authority (Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs) to Map Democratic Enterprises in Denmark and provide recommendations for business promotion.
2015- 16 Grant from VIA University College: Training of lecturers in social entrepreneurship
2012- 14 Grant from The Ministry of Science and Education to develop institutional links between Roskilde University and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai
2011 Grant from Young Enterprise to introduce entrepreneurial principles in university education
2010 Grant from the Vice Chancellor at Roskilde University to facilitate the development of research on social innovation
2010 Grant from the Danish Research Council for the Social Sciences to prepare the application to EU-FP7 on social innovation
2010 Grant from Region Sjælland for research and development in the area of Work Integration Social Enterprises.
2010 Grant from DOF (Det Obelske Familiefond) to support EMES European Research Network
2009 Grant from Region Sjælland for the GEM Project (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) 2009
2008 Grant from Rådet for Socialt Udsatte: Mapping Social Entrepreneurship for Socially Excluded Persons
2003 Grant from the Danish Research Council for the Social Sciences (to prepare the application to EU-FP6 that resulted in the funding of CINEFOGO
2001 - 04 Danish partner. The PERSE-program, ”Socio-economic performance of work integration social enterprises”. Comparative research project between researchers from 11 European countries. Funded by FP5
2022 Knight of the order of Dannebrog, by Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark.
2021 – 22 Commissioner (Kommissionär), Tillväxtkommissionen för ett inkluderande och hållbart Malmö. Initiated by Malmö City Council.
2013 - 16 Member of the National Council on Social Enterprise, appointed by the Minister of Social Affairs in Denmark. Co-wrote the law on social enterprise (LOV nr 711 af 25/06/2014: https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2014/711
2015 Special lecture/Festforelæsning on “Social entrepreneurship - a story of unique combinations” at RUCs Annual Celebration, 18.09.2015: http://www.ruc.dk/om-universitetet/aarets-gang-paa-ruc/aarsfest-paa-ruc/aarsfest-2015/
2014 TEDx talk on “Combining the social and the enterprise – a unique journey”, Copenhagen, 11.12.2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHdvFAs3BrQ
2012 Recipient of “Danske Bank Prisen” (The Danish Bank Prize, 50.000 DKK) at Roskilde University’s 40th anniversary, September 22nd, 2012
2010 Honorary stay for two months in apartment reserved for artists and scientists on Lower Manhattan, New York, owned by Bikuben Foundation
2009 Speech, “Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation” for Her Royal Highness, Crown Prinsess Mary and the board of governors of the Mary Foundation, at The Royal Castle Amalienborg
2003 Second-Prize (DKK 40.000,-) at the JL-Foundation competition on ”The power balance between interest organizations and the representative Democracy. Are there imbalances that threatens community?”
Research Reports (peer-reviewed)
2022 Demokratiske virksomheder – Kortlægning, landeundersøgelse og erhvervsfremme (Lars Hulgård, John Andersen, Klaus T. Nielsen og Roger Spear). (”Democratic enterprises – mapping, country comparison and business promotion”). Research report made for the Danish Business Authorities, 156 pages. https://em.dk/media/14625/analysetema-1-ruc.pdf
2018 Channeling solidarity: inputs from third sector, social innovation and co-creation of public goods (Hulgård, L. & Eschweiler, J.). Final report from the SOLIDUS project wp5 (Solidarity in European Societies: Empowerment, Social Justice and Citizenship).
2012 “Social Innovation and Delierative Democracy” (Hulgård, L & Eschweiler, J.) EMES WP, no. 12/04.
2010 “Discourses of Social Entrepreneurship – variations of the same theme?” EMES WP no. 10/01.
Book Series Editor
2016 - Series Editor: Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Studies-in-Social-Enterprise--Social-Innovation/book-series/RSESI
1. Peer-reviewed journal articles
2021 ”Intersectional Knowledge as Rural Social Innovation” (Banerjee, S., dos Santos L., & Hulgård, L.) in Journal of Rural Studies.
2019 “Action Research and Participatory Democracy in Social Enterprise” (Gleerup, J., Hulgård, L. & Teasdale, S.) in Social Enterprise Journal, 16, 1, Pp 46-59.
2016 “Participatory Governance in Social Enterprise” (Pestoff, V. & Hulgård, L.) in Voluntas, International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofits Organizations, Volume 27, Issue 4, August 2016, Pp 1742-1759: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11266-015-9662-3.
2012 “Socialt entreprenørskab – velfærdsarenaer eller afvikling af solidaritet?” (Hulgård, L. & Lundgaard Andersen, L.), in Dansk Sociologi, nr. 4, årgang 23, december 2012.
2011 “Social economy and social enterprise: an emerging alternative to mainstream market economy?”. In China Journal of Social Work. Vol. 4, No 3, November 2011. Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Peking University: Routledge.
2010 “Inovação social: rumo a uma mudança experimental na política pública?” (Hulgård, L &
Vieira Ferrarini, A. In Ciências Sociais Unisinos 46(3):256-263, setembro/dezembro 2010 © 2010 by Unisinos - doi: 10.4013/csu.2010.46.3.05.
2. Monographs and edited volumes
2018 68 km til Fortuna – solidaritet og cykling i Spanien. København: Forlaget Udenfor. (68 km to Fortuna – solidarity and cycling in Spain). Non-academic. Copenhagen: Forlaget Udenfor
2019 Theory of Social Enterprise and Pluralism (Eynaud, Laville, dos Santos, Banerjee, Avelino and Hulgård, eds.) New York: Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise and Social Innovation. Peer-reviewed.
2019 People-Centered Social Innovation: Global perspectives on an emerging paradigm (Banerjee, S., Carney, S. & Hulgård, L. eds.) New York: Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise and Social Innovation. Peer-reviewed.
2019 Social Enterprises and their Ecosystems in Europe. (Hulgård, L. & Chodorkoff, L.). Brussels: Publications Office of the European Union. ISBN 978-92-79-97905-7. 86 pages. Peer-reviewed.
2015 Social entrepreneurship and social innovation. Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries. TemaNord 2015: 562: http://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:856045/FULLTEXT01.pdf. The book is written by 10 nationally appointed experts from the five Nordic countries.
2014 Social Enterprise and the Third Sector – Changing European Landscapes, (Defourny, J., Hulgård, L. & Pestoff, V. eds.). Oxon & New York: Routledge. Peer-reviewed.
2010 Socialt entreprenørskab (Social Entrepreneurship), (Andersen, L.L., Bager, T. & Hulgård, L. eds.). Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
3. Book chapters (peer-reviewed)
2022 “The Social and Solidarity Economy: Roots and Horizons”. (Andersen, L.L., Hulgård, L. & Laville, J.L.). New Economies for Sustainability. eBook: Springer.
2021 “Power and conflict in social innovation: A field-based perspective” (Teasdale, S., Roy, M, & Hulgård, L.) A Research Agenda for Social Innovation (Howaldt, J., Kaletka, C. & Schröder, A., eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
2019 “Social Innovation and Public Policy” (Hulgård, L. & Ferreira, S.) in Atlas of Social Innovation. 2nd volume (eds. Howaldt, J., Kaletka, C., Schröder, A. & Zirngiebl, M. Munich: Oekom Verlag. Pp 24-30.
2019 “Reconfiguring the Social and Solidarity Economy in a Danish/Nordic Welfare Context” (Hulgård, L. & Andersen, L.L.), in Theory of Social Enterprise and Pluralism (Eynaud, Laville, dos Santos, Banerjee, Avelino and Hulgård, eds.) New York: Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise and Social Innovation. Peer-reviewed.
2019 “Genealogy and Institutionalization of People-Centred Social Innovation in Kudumbashree, Kerala, India” (P.K. Shajahan & Hulgård, L.) in People-Centred Social Innovation (Banerjee, S. & Carney S. eds.) Routledge Studies in Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, vol 2., 2016.
2018 “The Social and Solidarity Economy: A Bottom-up Alternative? (Eschweiler, J. & Hulgård, L.) in Competitiveness and solidarity in the European Union (Chinocchetti, P & Allemand, F., eds.), New York: Routledge. Pp. 126-149.
2016 “Social Entrepreneurship: demolition of the Welfare State or an Arena for Solidarity?” (Andersen, L. L. & Hulgård, L.) in Social entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises. Nordic Perspectives (Andersen, L.L., Gawell, M. & Spear, R. eds.) New York: Routledge.
2015 “Differing perspectives on civil society and the state” in Civil Society, The Third Sector and Social Enterprise – Governance and Democracy (Jean Louis-Laville, Dennis Young & Philippe Eynaud, eds.) New York: Routledge.
2014 “Social enterprise and the third sector – innovative service delivery or a non-capitalist economy?” in Social Enterprise and the Third Sector – Changing European Landscapes in a Comparative Perspective (Defourny, J., Hulgård, L. & Pestoff, V. eds.). New York: Routledge.
2014 “Introduction” (with Jacques Defourny and Victor Pestoff) in Social Enterprise and the Third Sector – Changing European Landscapes in a Comparative Perspective (Defourny, V., Hulgård, L. & Pestoff, V. eds.). New York: Routledge.
2014 “El futura de la Socialdemocrazia”, in Reinventar la izguierda en el siglo XXI (Coraggio, J.L. and Laville, J.-L., eds.). Buenos Aires: Clasco.
2013 “Social Entrepreneurship and the Mobilization of Social Capital in European Social Enterprises” (Hulgård, L. & Spear, R.) in Social Entrepreneurship (Kickul, J., Gras, D., Bacq, S. & Griffiths, M. eds.) Cehltenham: Edward Elgar.
2013 “Social Innovation: A new stage in innovation process analysis? (Moulaert, F.,
Jessop, B., Hulgård, L. & Hamdouch, A.) in (Moulaert, MacCallum, Mehmood,
Hamdouch, eds.) Handbook on Social innovation: Collective action, Social learning and
Transdisciplinary research. Edward Elgar.
2013 “Social Innovation for People-Centred Development (Hulgård, L. & P.K. Shajahan) in
(Moulaert, MacCallum, Mehmood, Hamdouch, eds.) Handbook on Social innovation:
Collective action, Social learning and Transdisciplinary research. Edward Elgar.
2010 “Public and social entrepreneurship” in The Human Economy (Hart, Laville and Cattani
eds.). London: Polity Press.
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