M.Sc. Botony (Delhi University),
M.Ed. CIE (Delhi University),
Ph.D. in Science Education (Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR),
Diploma in Software Technology, CMC Limited
Dr. Ruchi S. Kumar
CLIx office, Library building, Main Campus, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Dr. Ruchi S. Kumar is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Education Innovation and Action Research (CEIAR), Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. Ruchi holds a PhD degree in Mathematics Education from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai and a Masters degree in Education from the Department of Education, Delhi University.
Teaching:She teaches “Pedagogy of Mathematics”, " Science Pedagogy" and “Teacher Education” courses in Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed, MA Education (Elementary) and MA Education courses at TISS. She has also taken sessions for teacher educators in workshops/courses at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) and Digantar. She has been resource person for several organisations including Zonal Institute of Educational Training for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Delhi Public School Society, Tata Class Edge, Pondicherry Science Forum.
Course design and development: The courses are included as Math Pedagogy courses in Integrated B.Ed M.Ed course at CETE . The short term courses that she has designed include “Reflective Mathematics Teaching- part a)Geometric Reasoning and partb)Proportional reasoning”, “Assessment in Mathematics” as part of the “Reflective teaching with ICT” (RTICT) programme run by TISS for in-service mathematics teachers. She has also designed a course package for teaching mathematics at primary level in collaboration with Rishi Valley Education Consortium.
Field Action Research Projects: She has worked in several Field Action research projects at CETE. She has been the Math TPD lead in the Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx) which has won UNESCO King Hamad Prize for ICTs in Education. At CLIx, she designed and facilitated workshops for mathematics teachers and teacher educators in several states along with participation in design and research on learning outcomes for blended ICT based student modules for key topics like “Geometric Reasoning” and “Proportional Reasoning”. The scale-up of ClIx initative was taken up in IDRC funded CL4STEM project in which she mentored the teacher educators from Bhutan, Tanzania and Nigeria to develop modules on Geometry, Proportional reasoning and Algebra for newly qualified math teachers. She is Co-Principal Investigor for the Multimodal Approach for Teacher Professional Development (MATPD) funded by IDRC in Maldives, Nepal and Afghanistan which provides fellowship to 45 teacher educators from these countried to conduct action research in collaboration with teachers.
Publications: Ruchi has published and presented her research at several international and national conferences and has peer-reviewed publications in reputed journals. She is a member of "International Group of Psychology of Mathematics Education" and Mathematics Teachers Association, India. Her research interests are analyzing interactions between beliefs, knowledge and practice, identifying supports for professional growth of teachers and engaging teachers as designers.
She has experience of working as school teacher for more than 6 years and considers it as a source for reflection and inspiration for her work.
My research interests are around "Teacher education" and more specifically in "Math Education", "Science Education", "Use of ICT for teaching-learning process" and developing "Professional learning communities" or "Communities of Practice".
I am interested in researching the interaction between the beliefs and knowledge held by teachers and how they influence practice. In my PhD work, I found that just like beliefs can be central or peripheral, the practices engaged by teachers can also be central or peripheral depending on priority and consistent effort done by teachers to adopt a practice. These beliefs and practices can be identified at the level of an individual as well as at the level of a group, considering that the iindividual teachers be placed on a continuum with respect to beliefs held and practices preferred.
I am also interested in researching the nature of teacher leaarning and the opportunities of collaboration among teachers, teacher educators and researchers in the context of professional development. I have developed theoretical framework to analyse the role of task design and enactment in supporting teacher learning through teachers using their agency to participate in workshop based tasks. It was found that elements of design and enactment that support situatedness, challenge and development of community contributes to reflection on beliefs and development of shared knowledge in workshop settings. I have explored and developed case studies of teachers through collaboration in the their classroom. Recently, I am engaged in research on "Lesson study" to support collaboration among teachers and developing teachers communities of practice.
Technology can support the reflection on concepts for both students and teachers through interactive tasks that challenge their thinking. I have been engaged in researching the learning outcomes of the ICT integrated teaching and supporting teachers to develop knowledge and practice to integrate ICT in teaching. The development of an online blended course, student module and continuous interaction with teachers in mobile groups, engaging teachers in esign workshops are a few interventions of which I am a part for developing teachers' knowledge and practice.
I am also interested in doing summer camps with school students and teachers to work on hard and challenging concepts by exploring peagogy though building on research based ideas and connecting to students' everyday contexts.
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications:
Peer reviewed papers in Conference proceedings :
Book Chapters:
Presentations in conferences:
Articles in magazines:
Newspaper articles:
Teaching in Courses
Masters Students Guided